Welcome to the world of biblical archaeology!
The photograph above highlights the ancient Edomite city of Petra, now a national park in Jordon. The home of the Nabateans, Petra lies in uninhabited ruins, in fulfillment of the prophetic word: “Like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah with its neighbors,” says the LORD, “no one will live there, nor will a son of man reside in it” (Jeremiah 49:18 NASB). Today the site is a popular tourist attraction. We intend for BIBARCH™ to be your guide as you explore Jerusalem, Hazor, Petra, and other significant cities in the world of the Bible.
At BIBARCH™ you can learn of the cultures of ancient biblical peoples, such as the Nabateans, and consider the worldviews of the servants and prophets of God. Our intent is to assist all seeking to extend their knowledge in biblical archaeology and history, including those desiring to become avocational or professional archaeologists, or wanting to do archaeological fieldwork in the lands of the Bible. Through the resources in this website we hope to aid you in advancing your understanding of the life and times of the first Christians and the early church.
We seek to provide you with timely, reliable, and insightful information for extending your understanding of the Bible, its archaeology, and the biblical world. Here you can visit the bible lands, develop new insights into the meaning of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament.
You can use the resources of this website to enhance your awareness of the archaeology of the bible lands. Learn how archaeological research illuminates the biblical text and broaden your understanding of the biblical world and its peoples. We provide a means for you to further explore the archaeology of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament.
On our website, biblical archaeology, sometimes called Near Eastern archaeology or Levantine archaeology, with its concentration on the biblical lands of the ancient Near East, deals with the study of the archaeology of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. We find historical records, such as the Hebrew Scriptures, serve as indispensable sources for understanding the cultural history of the biblical period. On our website we believe you will gain a fuller understanding of the biblical record and its underlying theology.
Historical sources aid in understanding the findings of biblical archaeologists by adding additional context. In this approach, a generally accepted one in biblical archaeological research, history and archaeology complement each other. Informed by archaeology the disciplines of biblical studies and linguistics provide important insights into the underlying lives, beliefs, and values of the biblical writers and the world in which they lived.
Biblical anthropology and archaeology provide us with a fuller perception of the events and the lifeways of the peoples depicted in the Bible. Through biblical anthropology researchers can reconstruct the lifeways of biblical peoples and learn of the cultural change (cultural process) in their civilizations.
We hope you find our website useful in your search for fact, understanding, and truth.
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